13 July 2020

Stephanie Strickland's collection "How the Universe Is Made"

After a lot of reading, a lot of researching, and a lot of googling, I wrote a review of Stephanie Strickland's How the Universe Is Made: Poems new and selected 1985-2019. The more I learned about the poems, the more impressed I grew with the entire project, which I construe as hyper-feminist. Though Stephanie is also a digital writer/artist, and though she often says that a work that is in book form and electronic form thereby contains both--that is, the one or the other is not the entire work of art--this book is a fantastic stand-alone piece.

In a style that is often witty and always humblingly erudite, Stephanie Strickland pits poetry against the wave patterns of our world. She battles our mental, physical and spiritual incarceration in culture—the “ferocious / self-completing / sentences / exerting control.”

My review, "On Slipping Code," is up at Heavy Feather Review. 

14 May 2020

Review of Sarah Sarai's Book: That Strapless Bra in Heaven

I loved reviewing Sarah Sarai's new book, That Strapless Bra in Heaven. The review is on Heavy Feather Review and you can buy the book here

"Delphi" recorded for the magicians at Missing Witches.

I sent my old poem "Delphi," about Vestal Virgins, to Risa and Amy at Missing Witches and they clapped it on the end of their Beltane May Day episode. (That's the very very very end.) Nice to have it in a magic feminist realm, though it was published long ago on a poetry site.... The poetry site seems to have disappeared my poem, sadly. Check out the episode here--and visit the podcasters' fantastic back catalog. Missing Witches are definitely doing the goddess' work. 

30 January 2019

Wicked Stepmother Poem up on Mom Egg Review

The Stepdaughters Are the Wicked Ones

Scalding sand kicked to cool, cruel clouds
roll past, white on light and happy
giddy girls, volleyball reddening wrists.
Spike it, one cries. To the side, new wife...

29 November 2018

Poem on Indolent Books' What Rough Beast

Got a poem published on Indolent Books' What Rough Beast, and I'm happy about that. Even though I didn't know until just now and it was up in September.

Linked here, the poem is called, "A few of the words," and it begins:

A few of the words
Here’s some language: sweet land, liberty.
Here’s a location we call mine. The mind.
Here’s a famous river in the back of the lot
just past the original song. Rocky banks
risky slope. Follow it north, pilgrim,
to where it runs at a trickle. Keep
going. The philosopher calls nationalism
irrational – sweet land sweet song –
but they made a word for it.

10 July 2018